It turns out however that London has quite a few car boot sales, and with this Time out article as a guide I decided to make it my mission to visit as many as possible to find the best of them for vintage bargains, like a Miss Mothball Marple.
Stoke Newington Car Boot Sale
This sale is held in Princess May Primary School not far from Beyond Retro. I had read that this particular sale was popular with vintage sellers so it seemed like a good place to start.
The entrance fee is £3.00 from 7am-9am and 50p thereafter. I got there at 8am and lots of the stall holders hadn't set up yet so I wouldn't say it is essential to get there for the opening time.
I wandered around a few times as more stall holders turned up later so by the time I had completed one lap there were lots of new stalls to see.
Some examples of the types of items that were for sale:
Vintage wallpaper, Radios, Stratten compacts and various kitch furniture can be found at this trendy bootsale.
Lots of sellers had heaps of fabric, scarves and vintage linen as well as the more day to day sellers getting rid of unwanted goods.
Being based in a school the facilities were good and clean although you should take a loo roll with you as there didn't seems to be any provided.
There was also a BBQ grill (belonging to someone called Steve presumably) I have to say the price of these items is remarkably cheap in comparison to other sales I have been to and smelled gorgeous, although it was a bit early for me to actually try the burgers!
There is no smoking on the grounds because it is a school (and it makes it much nicer for everyone) but you can get a stamp on your hand and go outside, in fact you can come and go as you please as long as you get a stamp.
My Haul
I am always a little envious of some people's Bakelite collections but short of winning the lottery I make do with modern plastics. These bangles were only a pound for all of them and I can mix them in with my other bangles to still get the look I want.
This brooch is a little worse for wear with it's broken leaves but I think the beautiful flowers make up for it. It was only 50p and I discovered it at the bottom of a box of mixed jewelry. I also picked up this cute plastic brooch which will work well with a tiki look and was only 25p.
Corde you say? This bag was hanging on the back of a clothing rail when I spied the distinctive Corde style and grabbed it for a closer look. It's in excellent condition and the seller knocked a couple of pounds off her original asking price and let me have it for £8.00. A very similar one on eBay was selling for £68.00 recently so I was thrilled to find this one. I won't be selling it though, it will go into my personal collection.
This plastic shopper is very 50's and I have been after one for ages but was determined not to give in and buy one from H&M who have recently started producing them. It's just that I don't like the idea of buying new plastic when I can wait a while and buy second hand. This one might be older and a little worn but I actually prefer it. It only cost me £1.00.
All in all a good start to my carboot sale mission!
Until next time