Tuesday, 12 June 2018

A break from blogging and new website

I've been taking a little break from blogging in the past month but I'm hoping exciting things are going to come from it.

Blogging is not my full time job and sometimes my paid work gets just a little busy! Summer is particularly hectic sometimes and I spend less and less time with a mental capacity for other things.

Another reason for the break is because I've not really been feeling myself of late, I've been working really hard on decluttering my home and particularly my wardrobe which resulted in a huge eBay haul.

It's very cathartic to have a clear out and I sold nearly 100 items resulting in enough money for me to book a week in Prague so it was well worth doing but really took some time and effort to sort things out. 

A few weeks of decluttering, organising and getting myself together at home really made me think about the blog and how to make it as authentic as possible. I enjoy writing it but sometimes I feel a pressure about content and expectations. 

Some of the best advice I ever received was to only ever write for yourself and I felt I'd lost that a little bit. 

For example I enjoy baking but am certainly not a baker and hardly ever have occasion to do it, but because it's a vintage blog I feel like it's something I should do.

So now I'm saying nuts to that, that's the whole thing about the vintage community, it's made up of a all different kinds of people who have a variety of takes on vintage and what it means to them. We don't have to aspire to be one era or another or to only be "true vintage" in any of our walks in life. 

I've been concern myself with not being "vintage enough" to be blogging about vintage when I could just be writing about what inspires me without worrying about it.

So with that in mind I will be launching Era Go Again on it's own website and the first post to launch it will be my Prague round ups.

I'm so looking forward to the trip and to bringing a wider variety of content.
Until next time