In my 10 best things about wearing vintage I touched on how much time and effort I used to put in to being trying to keep up with latest trends, wether of not they suited me.
I thought I would share some of my personal photos of the time before vintage...
I remember buying this dress from a market stall and at the time I thought it was amazing, it only lasted one wash before falling to pieces which was probably a good thing in the end!
This was another of my "I just want to be cool" outfits but it really didn't suit me, I think pink animal print was a tall order!
Blazers and jeans were my go to outfits for hiding behind.
At the peak of my less happy moments I would wear the baggiest things I could, I avoided anything remotely flattering because I felt like it wasn't for me. 

Even in happier times I would wear a lot of black, my sister looked at my wardrobe once and said "How many grey jumpers does a person need?"
Nights out usually called for some form of bolero or jacket which replaced the daytime blazer.
Another night out, another blazer.
Its very rare to see a photo where I haven't covered myself up in some way.
Thank goodness I found vintage! Although the bolero addiction continues!
I enjoyed writing this little look back in time, I hope you enjoyed it too.
Until next time
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