Saturday, 2 December 2017

Blogmas Day 2 - Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree

I live in a flat share and one thing that occurred to me, having not been settled in one place for the last few years, was how sad I was not to have a tree.

Because I am a grown up and can do what I want I decided to buy myself one.

What I bought:

Argos did me proud this year and they also had a 3 for 2 deal so I ordered the bulky things from them and got them delivered.

Noel 5ft Christmas Tree - Now £10.99

Home 50 Piece bauble pack - £9.99

60 Holly and Berry Christmas Tree Lights - Red £9.99 - no longer on deal

(These are not on deal as mine were 50 lights but they may have sold out)

I also bought a few other bits a bobs to mix it all up a bit, these all came from Poundland who have a great selection these years. I went for a bow rather than a fairy or a star and I love how it looks on top of the tree. I also adore the little vintage wooden ornaments which remind me of ones we had when I was little.

I'd love to do lots of different Christmas tree styles, maybe one day I'll have my own place to make grotto like but for now my tree is cheering me up everyday, now I just need to get some gifts under it!

Until tomorrow


1 comment:

  1. I am in LOVE with those berry lights, it's all just so festive! I'm going to attempt to do our tree today! We'll see!
