Sunday, 31 December 2017

New Year New Me...Sort Of

Well I failed tragically at Blogmas but December proved to be a particularly busy and stressful month so I took some time out for myself.

New year always brings out the best and worst in me in terms of thinking about the future so this year I have decided to think about it differently.

2017 was a reflective year for me but I think these things are only worthwhile if you actually use it. I decided to concentrate on making resolutions using the things I have enjoyed most in 2017 rather than a long list of "I must not's"

With that in mind here are my thoughts on what I want to concentrate on in 2018...

1. Putting more effort into friendships: Within the vintage community it can feel really easy to make friends but sustaining the relationships is another matter. In 2017 I made some amazing friends but I am not the best at being the first to suggest meeting up or being organised about seeing people.

Of course it is very good for me when I do make those connections with people so in 2018 I want to continue to put energy into those I love which is a pretty great position to be in all round!

2. New experiences: 2017 was a big year for me in terms of travel. I took my first ever flight alone to see my friend in Spain and once that milestone was out of the way (I am a nervous flyer at the best of times) I decided it was time to take a trip alone and went to Poland.

I had such a fantastic time that there is no stopping me now and I plan on making at least two trips in 2018.

It's not just travel that I want to experience, there are plenty of things here in England that I want to do and I am aiming to experience one thing each month but it has to be something that will bring me joy. After all, as my dad says, what do we work for if not to enjoy ourselves.

3. Making healthy choices: I am not going to put any numbers on myself this year when making resolutions, no number of pounds to lose or weeks to do it in, I am simply asking myself to think about what is good for me, whether that be physical health or in letting go of toxic old friendships 2018 is going to be a year where I consider whats best for me and if I don't like the medicine at least it is my choice.

I have started my 2018 content plan and hope to be doing more YouTube this year as well as blogging. Of course I have already started the annual wardrobe clear out and already have quiet a sizeable "for sale" pile.

Wishing you a Happy New Year and a wonderful start to 2018 wherever you are in the world!

Lots of Love

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