On the back of this conversation I thought it might be fun to take a look back to a time before I'd found vintage and, well basically laugh at my monstrous hair. Welcome to my twenties, don't judge...
Blonde Ambition
Every now and again I get the urge to be a lighter colour, hence the reason I am growing my hair out now. What I lacked was the patience to wait and this resulted in some horrible highlights and very dry hair! Don't try to lighten your hair at home, EVER!

Fringe Benefits
I go back and fourth on the fringe quite a lot, one thing I am very self consious of is my forehead (my sibilings and I measured ours once, mine was the biggest) I've had the riot girl fringe, betty bangs, side swept and a rather weird choppy thing that looked like I'd cut it myself.

The Long and Short of It.
I seem to have spent the last decade growing my hair in order to cut it again, wanting some cool and modern style that I can never carry off and then I added the cheapest and nastiest hair extensions! I go for more classic cuts these days so that my vintage styles take so I think these days are behind me!

Thank goodness I found vintage!
Now eyebrows, they are another story. Perhaps I'll perfect them in my 40's.
Until next time
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